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Aqua Asana


The practice of yoga asanas in water 

AquaAsana WLP AQUA ASANA aqua asana

WLP AquaAsana offers a unique way of observation on our emotional and physical body trought a unique water practic. we can experience our being in differant many paths and we can choose a path and experience it in differant places.  In refering to the water as a kind of an intelegent mirror, performing asanas in the water allows us to observe a reflection of our original blueprint and the offset from this blueprint made of our current state of being. an unbiased observation of our physical, emotional and conscious being.

AquaAsana is a branch of the WLP tecnique that allows focusing and eploration of the bodymind system, a kind of meditation in motion. the motion which commes from within and manifest itself on the outside. it is allso a practice wich develope strength' flexibilty and cultivates core stabilty, breath and the brain and nerve system. it is learnt an practiced in the WLP courses of as an individual course

aqua asana WLP AquaAsana water lotus pillow and palm technique and aquatic concept

How does every different body organizes itself in the water ? what is the specific meaning of that ? how does tension in our muscles, tendons and ligaments affect our alignment and buoyancy ? many factors come together to create a multydimentional reflection of us. we can observe it from the outside or feel it from within as a whole body experience. the water provides a nutral space that makes it possible to look with our "internal eyes" . observing somthing requires some POV ,  a reference, a mirror. water are a passive master they will show you without showing.

aqua asana WLP AquaAsana water lotus pillow and palm technique and aquatic concept

shavaasana is one of the most powerful
practices in which we loosen our grip completely and surrender to the infinite, the only thing left for us is the breath to chew on is in our consciousness 

aqua asana WLP AquaAsana water lotus pillow and palm technique and aquatic concept

Sessions of the WLP AquaAsana in one on one sessions couple or groupe sessions. what happens in one moment when the mind is in total silance and the body can connect to the infinite ? 

About the sessions 

Floating on water naturally without any assisting accessories is one way of experiencing the connection that our specific body creates with the water, this is a kind of the naked truth. but what if floating itself becomes a strrugle ? because we are "too heavy" or too tense ? some accessories ment to provid us with comfortable state of just being the first step to start exploringe from.

Yoga, asana, water.

The name Asana is obviously taken from yoga practice and it is one of the 8 organs of the complete pratice in the path and science of Yoga. One meaning of the name Yoga is unity or unify. Asana practice is a holistic approach to posture practice and the key for one to unite with the infinit trough body, breath and mind practice. we believe that water are the most intellegent matter on earth and yearn to achive knowledge, postural correction and healling through this water practice with the belife that listening and reflecting would lead us in a powerful path. the wonderful synergy of water and yoga asana arrives from here.

wellness resort : aqua asana WLP AaquaAsana is a branch of the technique

AquaAsana brings the yoga asanas in to the water . this approach allows the connection of the bodymind complex with the wisdom of water.

wlp aqua asana yoga in water water lotus

AquaAsana is a branch of the WLP tecnique that allows focusing and exploration of the bodymind system, a kind of meditation in motion. breath has a tramrndous effect on the bodymind system, here in the water it could be emotionally felt. enchanting in warm river  from single to groupe session, the magic is ecchoing

The WLP AquaAsana deals with self exploring and body focusing within the water.
1. we use some techniques to create a state of relaxation and flow in the body.
2. this work in the water promotes balance and and core cultivation along with breath work.
3. it take you on a self exploring journey of discovring your body and emotions
4. this work is aimed to bring more flexibility and agileness 

WLP  aqua asana


Here on the member zone you can find some advance materials and activities. Join an advanced WLP AquaAsana course. We offer you to also check the WLP basic and advanced corses like this core course of the WLP technique 5 days WLP3D course

Here is the online course

Join the instructor program

Here are the courses dates

The Water Lotus Pillow & palm technique and aquatic concept


WLP Aqua Asana.png

Where can I find the experience

observation on our emotional and physical body. we can experience our being in differant many paths and we can choose a path and experience it in differant places.  In refering to the water as a kind of an intelegent mirror, performing asanas in 

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